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About us

Our collection tells our life and our way of seeing the world through perfume. It goes through lives and lands.

Our story is related to travel, we have been doing it since the beginning of our journey, traveling to know, traveling to meet each other and to grasp the different olfactory nuances of the world but also of life and thought.

Our collection is related to poetry, the word before the molecule and storytelling as the body of perfume. We believe that a perfume must first of all tell a story, an emotion.

Our story is linked to nature, the source of all our creation, connection and rootedness with the earth.

Our story is linked to the inner quest, to understand ourselves and our own nature.

Our story is linked to memory, which has roots far back in my path.
The Meo Fusciuni collection wants to tell a journey, we want to give a scent to emotion.

Meo Fusciuni is an artistic perfumery project started in 2010, by perfumer Giuseppe Imprezzabile and the artistic direction of Federica Castellani.

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Sense of smell poetics

I was born on an island full of contrasts, the cradle of my childhood.
I spent my youth away from my land, among the silent hills of the soul, in places of natural poetry. I discovered chemistry and then the plant, found in it my roots as a perfumer. I began a long journey, in the continuous search for smell as olfactory memory, for fragrance as the meaning of life.

Each of my creations is a fragment of my life, each perfume in the collection is researched and created with heart and soul in every detail.
The path of a perfumer can be so many shades, and everyone lives their work, their destiny, as if it is the only one that makes sense to follow.

I have always used for my work and in my studies, the word research, because it is in daily research that the life of a nose finds its meaning, its goal.

Olfactory sensibility is what distinguishes my creations from those of another, it is the ground on which I have built my work today, it is something material and ethereal at the same time: material because it is made of experience in choosing the best raw materials and building the perfect accord: exercise, study and method; ethereal because it is the life of each of us that is told differently, in my case through travel, poetry, nature, music, art.

Ethereal bonds that finally bring to the perfume something that I call the olfactory memory of life. An end point, where an alchemical balance is reached between the material part of this work, which is chemistry, and the poetry of life, which is its spiritual component.

Giuseppe Imprezzabile, Perfumer.

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The newfound emotion

I tried to figure out what that sound was, that slow tinkling I sensed. The gaze absorbed in one spot, his eyes and the imperceptible movements of his nose, so anonymous. Time passed and the state of things lost all dimension of the present, wandered into nothingness; his hands on objects, memory orphaned still. I knew, I wanted to speak, but I could not, I was no longer the father of that moment, nor the beacon of no darkness; but only a distant observer, light years from his present. I still remember that moment, when I decided to call that object by a smell and not by a name. It closed its eyes, as if searching in a mental black hole for a foothold, a bright path, a small memory to smile at. I waited hours, waited to see that tear drop down her face, the absolute purity, the emotion found in the memory of that smell.

After so many years of watching the gaze of others lost in feeling, I understood what that tinkling was, that slow mechanism that regulates emotion, the slow falling of all the walls that surround our living, it is our past, returning, knocking on our memory. Now everything appeared to the two of us, we could now brush against that moment, it felt like purity.

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In un punto qualsiasi del nostro cammino
il profumo racconta una storia